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Cytogenetic remission

Just found out today the results of my 6 month bone marrow, I am in cytogenetic remission, hooray!
PCR - 31.4
FISH - 20/100
Did I mention hooray?!
Emma x

Congratulations you must feel on top of the world.
Lynne x

Well done Emma, great news for you & all the family. I hope that all is well & that you are coping with the side effects now that you are back at work.


Thanks Lynne and bob, it is a nice feeling after feeling so rough the last two weeks. Starting the Nilotonib again for the third time has been hard for some reason we can't figure out, with every side effect except weight loss! Work is tough but it is just another hurdle to get over, I am aware I am not as strong as I was, just hope the kids don't cotton on! Still each day gets better and we just hope I don't have to stop it again and can work towards getting strong again.
Hope you are both well
Emma x

Hi Emma,

Congratulations well done on your PCR you must be really happy to haves achieved this after your ups&downs with Nilotonib Hope things will get even better with your next one. Good news that you are back at work the tiredness should improve but when you feel tired don't fight it have that rest when you can you will find things will improve as I had the same with Nilotonib when I started on it.

You have done so well. Look forward to seeing you again soon.

Steven & Carol

Thank you so much.
It is nice to share some good news. I am getting stronger every day, although some days are harder than others I know I am on a good drug and I am one of the lucky ones.
Look forward to seeing you in January hopefully
Emma x

I think I am using the wrong terminology, according to another post, I am confused rather and do feel like the dumb kid in class!
Either way, hooray!

...who finds it all confusing. You're definitely not the only dumb kid in class!
Thank heavens for Sandy! Take care.x