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Anyone know how to work out the international score/ scale for PCR ?

I have finally had my 12 month PCR result but they have given me the raw score of 0.109 and last time they gave me the international scale/score of 0.08. I am confused, but I have pestered them all week to get the score so I am loathed to do it again! Any help appreciated!
Emma x

It is interesting reading other people's posts, as I look at their scores I wonder if they are the IS score or the 'raw' score as my consultant described it to me. If everyone is using raw scores my last PCR at 9 months (manged to root out my notes!) was 0.256 which seems so much higher and more comparable to others than the 0.08 I was given. Which score is everyone using? Am I the only one finding this confusing? I know my score is down which is all I wish for but it is like one exam board giving you one grade and another giving you a different grade, which do I use?
Maybe I am really thinking about this too much!!
Emma x

Hi Emma, I am not sure but the lab that does your pcr should be using the IS already. Do you know where your tests are done? Most UK labs have already converted and use the International Scale.


not meaning to hijack the thread, however, my question is relevant:

Per one of my previous posts, i have found myself in a peculiar situation. In the US, my labs (non-IS)were giving a result of BCR-ABL:ABL Ratio of <0.000 after 8 months - so there's me thinking PCR-U (CMR) and incredibly happy with my response.

Came back to the UK and have had 0.179 followed by 0.11 3 months apart (I am assuming IS % as i've not seen the printed results). That apparent response is not so good, considering i've had 18 months on Tasigna. I now don't even know if i hit MMR let alone CMR.

I fully expected there to be differences between the two labs; however, I am amazed at the massive difference between the UK and US results. I understand non-IS labs use their own baseline and IS labs use a standardized baseline of BCR-ABL in untreated patients.

Em, your question makes me wonder if I am being given raw results or IS from my UK clinic.

Sandy, you seem to think all results should be delivered expressed as IS in the UK; can you offer any pertinent (read accurate) questions for us to ask or explanations to ensure we can all compare apples with apples? i.e. what units are raw results offered in? how are the conversions calculated?

Chris (confused from Bristol)

Hi Sandy, Emma and all...

I'm not sure that all the labs in the UK are anything like converted to the IS. I still get my results in log reductions...and the lab doesn't give any figures at all to my haematologist. I've seen the reports!!


Hi Chris,

well I am confused too!
In my previous post to Emma, when I said that all UK labs have converted to the IS I should have said...all labs that are attached to the expert centres.... i.e Hammersmith, Liverpool, Newcastle, Leeds, Glasgow etc.
for the pcr's that are taken at general haematology depts I assumed they would now send the samples for testing to one of the expert centre labs..

a result using the IS can also be expressed as a log reduction

So, a bcr/abl result of 0.1% would be equivalent to a 3 log reduction from a baseline of 100% PH+.

I think that in the EU MOST expert centres work to the lS.... however, this is not the case in the US -just like you say. It is a problem and I will try to find a way of confirming my own understanding- which is not expert by any means- ;o)

Best wishes,


Thanks for the reply Sandy.

I'm going to write to my previous onc this week to see if she can shed any light on why/how i can have such differing results. It's not that i particularly want to get into the mechanics of the calculations, but i simply don't understand how there can be such a massive discrepancy - therefore leaving me little choice but to unpick the maths and understand all of it to put my mind at rest. I don't expect it to change the outcome, but it will at least enable me to understand why and begin the apples to apples comparison with confidence from herein.

look forward to any guidance whatsoever.

With thanks
