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Anyone with perspective on planning a pregnancy on dasatinib?

Hi again,

It's important to know your latest PCR result. Could you find out from your hospital? I'd have thought it should be in your most recent clinic notes.

Since you have been taking dasatinib for 4 years, and say you are in complete molecular remission it's means that your PCR result must be very low, or perhaps undetectable.

Since that is a good place to start, Interferon would definitely be a treatment option whilst you are pregnant. It is a well established treatment plan to take interferon to maintain a low PCR during pregnancy and breastfeeding, then returning to take your TKI (dasatinib) after that point. During this time, you would have more frequent molecular monitoring via PCR to ensure the CML is in check.

Interferon ought to keep you in molecular remission - and will not harm your baby. You may be able to take pegylated interferon has fewer side effects.

Your doctor should not be point-blank saying you should not have children unless there is some detail that we're not aware of that's important. That may have been the advice 10 years ago, but it is not now - and not to a patient who is in CMR. 

I would suggest seeking a second opinion if your doctor is not open to the conversation of how they can help you manage a pregnancy. On the face of it, you see like the kind of CML patient who is in a good place to become a mother. Sometimes a patient who is quite recently diagnosed becomes pregnant, and that is when things are particularly tricky. But 4 years in and in CMR is a great place to start.



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