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Hypo Pigmentation-Lightening of the skin (Glivec/Imatinib)


I am on Glivec 400 daily. I am not having many side effects. The only thing I have noticed is Hypo pigmentation (Lightening of the skin colour). I wanted to know if anyone on Glivec has experienced this. Is it serious? What effect does Glivec have on the skin in the longer term?



Yes this is quite common. It doesn't seem to cause any problems, other than already pale people becoming even paler. and  some darker skins turning almost white!

For the first few years on Glivec, Ted sunburnt very easily and had to protect every inch of skin with a strong suncream - but he does seem to have grown out of that now and tans nicely again, although always does use some sun protection like a hat, in the summer.

Hi Bee

Thanks for your message. I did not see this side effect listed anywhere (very little information online). I did not notice until recently, when my friends and family noticed the difference in my skin colour which got me worried.

I am going to see my consultant next month and will talk to him about this. As you said it doesn’t seem to cause any problems. Is it your consultant’s view or did Ted see a dermatologist too?

Once again thanks for your help.



Our consultant has noted this in some CML patients.

Some also seem to get dark splodges - Ted has had one on his nose for about 9 years and others have reported similar patches.

Again it seems, nothing serious but we always mention things when they first appear. Your consultant will advise.

 Other side effects simply seem to cycle and once you know what yours are - you will learn over time what works best for you to deal with them.

Thanks Again for your help. I will speak to my consultant about this.

Best Wishes



Did you see any changes in the skin after so many years of treatment?

Even I am on Gleevec from last 1 year and hypopigmention has made my life miserable.

Hi Annie,

You're replying to a thread from 6 years ago, so probably won't get an answer from the person who posted the last message. Perhaps start a new thread wit any questions you have and others may share their experience?


Hi All,

Have had this problem of thinning of the skin especially on the nose;some of the early product information for imatinib highlighted sensitivity to the sun and changes in pigmentation.

In my case saw a dermatologist who was not aware of this as a side effect of imatinib but was keenly interested in the issue.I was recommended to use" Sun Sense daily face" which is SPF50 plus and gives very high protection against UVA rays.It is made in Australia but available in UK. In summer I cover my nose with this cream and wear a broad brimmed hat for protection and now there is no progression of blotches on the nose that if they developed further would mean taking a few slices off so as to ward off skin cancer.Excellent product,my GP provides a prescription for mine.It has an invisible tint finish so it looks a little like make up rather than the sticky oil based  alternative creams on offer.

Trust this helps


Hi John

Ted's dark patch on his nose has faded over the last few years and is not really noticeable now.  It got blacker in the sunshine and he used to used my mineral powder make-up (shh....don't tell) to disguise it. That worked better than any cream, but he has always used a sunscreen and wears a hat in the sun. He now tans again, although never sunbathes. These things cycle and his consultant has seen various pigment changes (lighter and darker) in her patients. It certainly doesn't seem related to melanoma or any skin cancer....

The fragile skin (thinning)? has also passed for the time being.....he's been on imatinib for 15+years now back on 400mg, but was on 800mg for quite a few years too.

Hope this is of help?
