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Male sperm and Tasigna

Hi all,

I am hoping that someone can help me. Has anyone fathered a child while on Tasigna? If so, was the kept to term? Wee there any defects? How old is the child now?

Over the years this has been a very popular discussion thread.... there have been quite a few posts about this subjects so you might like to take a look at some of them here:

Most of the experience of men fathering children has been with those treated with imatinib- but it seems that other TKIs work in the same way and therefore do not affect the sperm. 


Thanks. I did see those responses. Was hoping for something specific to Tasigna but I guess I have to take what I can get. I'm researching because the situation is past pre-conception and the person needs to make some real life decisions before it is to late. I do find it interesting that the drug insert itself speaks only to women when it comes to conception. It actually makes sense that the issue regarding males is more about sperm count versus health. 

Well if you look hard enough you will find ;o) Click on the link to the Patient Seminar (image at the top of home page) and follow the links to the days presentations. You will find Dr. Graeme Smith gave a presentation specifically about fertility and pregnancy issues with TKI therapy. If you download his slide set (or you can watch the video) and scroll down to slides 9 and 10 he specifically advises on males and the effects of TKIs- including nilotinib and dasatinib - being a possible risk for foetal abnormalities. He advises that there is no evidence of any risk.

to save you and others the slog of clicking through the links see below:


I hope this information reassures you- but in life there are no guarantees are there- just hopefully well informed choices.

Best wishes and good luck with whichever choice you make


Thank you so much Sandy. I agree, in life there are no guarantees. I determine disability everyday and see hundreds of cases where a child who was the product of a normal pregnancy AND delivery as well as the parents having no genetic issues, have enough issues that according to my federal government, they're disabled.


There's a reason why I searched high and low for a UK site (I honestly haven't found something like this for the State's). The States tend to be extremely conservative but we really don't have much to show for it. Our health report card is pathetic. Even without potential risk from medication treatment, our children are being born premature and with defects. The U.K. tends to be less conservative and on the money from a public health standpoint with a lot of things. This is the most information that I've seen on this subject. Novartis didn't even have real information except what was on the insert speaking to women. Thanks again so much. You've been a GREAT help!