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CML and pregnant


Have been diagnosed with chronic meyloid leukemia 16 years ago. began prescribing glivec and I kept it for eight years after no longer responds physically to him then dropped for medication nilotinib greatly improved first period and then began the proportion of leukemia between active and passive ranging and as previously happened no longer response
In the meantime, no longer able to secure the medication I did not find assistant so I decided to give up and surrender to the will of God and got pregnant after seven months of detention and the treatment I'm now in the middle of the fourth month
I suffer from a mild bleeding ectopic almost a month ago, which increased in this period, I do not feel any other symptoms
I went to the gynecologist so much and I consulted several doctors and they all agreed unanimously that have nothing to do with this pregnancy bleeding, it should check blood specialist, but he surrendered to abortion and did not give the topic any importance was looking for other solutions and I am totally against abortion
I hope that you advise me if you have any experience in this regard