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Role of curcumin

There was a previous post on this subject in January, see below for a message from Gerry regarding Turmeric (Curcumin is a constituent of Turmeric)


Gerry wrote:

Turmeric is okay to take with Glivec, but it can cause issues with bruising. I took it for a short period of time and wound up with extra bruises. I am still slightly anaemic, so figure that's why. I've stopped taking it due to this.

•Turmeric can inhibit the production of platelets which are responsible for the clotting of blood. It alters the level of fibrinogen, a protein which facilitates the formation of coagulants to stem bleeding. Individuals who are suffering from hemophilia or any other blood disorder are strictly advised to stay from turmeric and its products.
•Too much intake of turmeric in any form, be it powder, extract or pills, can destroy the leukocytes (red blood cells) and erythrocytes (white blood cells). Since the red blood cells decrease in number, there are chances that the individual may suffer from anemia.

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