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Nausea/Vomiting & Intestinal Cramping

Hi everyone! 

My dad was diagnosed with CML in April 2017. He has been on 400mg imantinib since late April. Since starting he has struggled with severe vomiting and wretching. It happens towards the end of the day or in the middle of the night.

      About a month ago he was admitted to the hospital with acute onset prosatitis. During his hospitalization he discontinued his imantinib for about week and improved. A week of recovery goes by and he starts having severe vomiting and stomach cramping. He is admitted to the hospital again with a suspected bowel obstruction. Surgery of his small bowel shows no sign of obstruction. However, an endoscopy reveals a terribly irritated lower esophagus and stomach lining. He improves after week in the hospital with an NG tub and without the imantinib.

 He started back the imantinib about 5 days ago seemingly on the mend. However, early this morning he woke up with stomach cramping and vomiting again!!!! He feels awful so he took an anti emetic. Could this aggressive vomiting be related to the imantinib??? His surgeons and cardiologists are stumped. He has an appointment with his hematologist next week. 


Have any of y'all struggled with chronic nausea and vomiting on imantinib? How do you manage it? 



Sorry for the novel! 





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