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Dental problems


I have been taking imantinib for over 2yrs now. I have been suffering with dental issues. Has anybody else experienced dental issues whilst taking imantinib? 

Sorry to hear it. I have been on Gleevec almost six months. Dental appointment about 2 months ago and everything looked fine. But I do wake up every morning with a dry mouth and unpleasant taste/feeling in my mouth, and have wondered if that means bad news for the teeth sooner or later. I too would be interested to know if anyone has any information or experience in this area. Thanks and all the best to you. Justine

Oh yes. After 8 years on Imatinib my teeth are falling out. Is it my age or my medication I wonder.



Since I have been taking imatinib for a long time, my caries has become very acute, and every 3-4 months, I have to go to my dentist and check my teeth. So yes, because of this drug, there are huge dental problems. This is one of the main side effects. But the main thing here is not to get upset, brush your teeth 3 times a day and try not to eat a lot of sweets and so on. Although I recently came across an article about teeth whitening gel trays on this site -- I'm thinking of trying to use it to whiten my teeth. Still, I'll discuss it with my dentist first.