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Upper back pain

Experiencing cramp like pain in the upper back part of the body. Increases after taking food. Feeling like gastric pain. Can it be due to stomach worm? Should I try mebendazole or go to homeopathy doctor.

I assume you are referring to Imatinib in this thread after looking at your other thread, Mebendazole with IMATINIV. Unfortunately back pain was a major side effect that I experienced while on Imatinib. Trying different natural supplements could help but could also cause more issues so I would proceed with caution. Side effects with TKIs are common and it is best, whenever possible, to try and counter act these effects with diet and life style changes. Adding another chemical to the mix can introduce more side effects, complexity, and more discomfort. This is wholly my opinion that I live daily.

What natural supplement would you suggest to manage my upper back pain. It’s unbearable now-a-days. I never had pain at that part of my body since I started imatiniv in 2022 Nov. Taking homeopathic med with almost no effect. Shall it go away on its own.

I believe it’s tied to inflammation. I used anti-inflammatories but that just basically gives you comfort for a short time. You definitely don’t want to be on those for a long period of time. Try heat in the morning when you wake up and heat at night before sleep. During the day try to do light exercise. Point is to make the muscle more flexible, supple, and free flowing with blood. Keep working on a lifestyle fix and you will eventually find a happy medium. Good luck.