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Spam on the forum - apologies

We’ve been experiencing some heavy-handed spamming from one individual over the last few days. Sorry if this has made it difficult to find the content you wanted on the forum.

We’ve put some extra measures in place to stop this individual, one of which is manually approving new account requests. If you have recently joined this site, but your account is not yet active please be patient. We will do our best to activate it as soon as possible, but at this busy time of year and an entirely volunteer crew it’s difficult to always be super-quick.

We are in the process of implementing a more permanent fix, so please be patient. In the meantime if you have any questions please just reply to this message.



Hi David

Thank you for all the efforts you are making in preventing this spam!  It blows my mind that someone would be so cruel and thoughtless as to spam a cancer forum, but hey... the world is made up of some unusual people.

Best wishes
