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Hair dye & imatinib


Can anyone tell me if it is safe to use hair dyes?

if so which products are the best?

i have been on imatinib for 3 months and been worried about using hair dye products.


Hair dye is fine - no problem at all. 

I can't give you any advice on products though!


I've been having my hair dyed for years.  There is no way I will go grey!!  Since diagnosis and starting dasatinib my hair texture has changed and it isn't so thick as it used to be - as I've tons and tons and tons of hair it doesn't notice that it has thinned out a bit.  

My hairdresser doesn't want to permanent colour more than once every 8 weeks, so in-between times we use a vegetable dye which lasts a few washes.  If you buy shop bought dye, I would look for those that are semi perm rather than permanent as they will have slightly less toxicity.  I only say this for maintaining your hair quality rather than anything to do with CML.  


I use hair color for men with no issues.

Don't use hair dye if it's makes you scary.
Otherwise use it.


I've let my hair go au naturale (rocking the grey!) since my CML diagnosis. I'm sure dying my hair didn't cause my CML but there is a question mark over whether dark hair dye is implicated in some types of leukaemia. 

My husband is really youthful looking, with a mop of dark brown hair at age 50, no grey. I am tempted to start dying my hair again so that I don't look like his mother, but for now just hoping people will think I've got a toy boy :)