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O.K. folks' you can have a good laugh at this one...a little "light relief"!!

Both on Glivec and now Sprycel, I have suffered appalling, uncontrolable wind! I am very lucky to work in Primary School, where "anti-social" aromas are common-place! However, breaking wind as I walk, having to leave class to go somewhere private to get rid of what I have attempted to keep under control, frequently leads to errors which the children are most keen to pick up on!!

I drink Peppermint tea as I believe peppermint is a good thing to do, but does anyone else experience this or be able to give me any help as I'm also trying to lose a bit of weight and salad items definitely make it worse.

Do please feel free to roll about on the floor over this one, shame I can't join you as laughing is likely to cause an offensive reaction!!

Thank you


Hi Vickie

I must admit, your comments did make me laugh, but they also ring true; you have my sympathy.

I am on Glivec and find that I get wind shortly after I have taken my tablets, much to the annoyance, rather than amusement, of the rest of my family.

I have to say, it's not a major problem for me, certainly not as bad as the having to run to the toilet, as soon as I wake up every morning!

I would be interested to hear about any natural remedies that anybody has, for either of these inconveniences, though.


Ah I remember the Glivec diarrhoea!!! I used to take the usual immodium or codeine phosphate for that, but it certainly put paid to camping or festy-going!
So glad to have raised a laugh amid all the other goings-on!

My bowels have been much 'steadier' on Indian (Ayurvedic) herbs as they are prescribed to reduce the air element in the body!

I am off all wheat, yeasts and was warned by my dietician that the cabbage family and bigger pulses can cause excess wind.

I definitely notice more wind if I have a glass of wine or eat something with sugar in it.

Are everyone's farts (there I've said it!) really foul smelling!!!


I have two cats who do not mind taking the blame. The down side is whenever there is a noxious odour about I get one of those 'looks' from my dearly beloved Wifey and feel the need to become defensive even when innocent after which she gently reminds me that flatulence is a side-effect of Dasatinib and not a requirement.

Perhaps you could hold a 'Bring-Your-Pet-To-Work' week at school...

Paul C

So it looks like there's another clear advantage of Sprycel over Glivec then - the ability to fart with confidence!

A kite maybe?

Sorry Vickie, that doesn't help too much does it.

Couldn't help myself there.

Ah, tis soo heartening to be part of such a loudly responsive forum!!!
Beth, my farts smell of sulphur so, of course, an egg sandwich is out of the question!! Perhaps houmus at lunch-time is not such a good idea re what you say about pulses!
Phil, farting with confidence is apt to blast a hole through my garments!!!
Well, thanks a bunch you lot, I'm off to build a kite now!!

It's good to laugh and share the lighter side of cml with you all!

There are some amazing and serious websites on - poo! The science is called scatology and i found it fascinating!!!

Keep smiling as you fly your kites.


My wife has just told me, that my mum always reckoned Charcoal Tablets got rid of wind. Sorry to bring the topic back down to earth with a trump - sorry thud. What on earth was I thinking of there.

It might be worth looking into Charcoal Tablets Vickie?

Edit: found a link for you -

Yes I have a significant flatulence issue - have found it is improved by taking some "nice bacteria" to quote the advertisement - I use Actimel which has certainly helped with, but not eliminated, the problem


Thank you everybody...I'm retiring into my solitary existence having acutely embarrassed myself today...I will try all your wonderful suggestions for which I thank you from the heart of my bottom!!

Ah but now we know just how 'warm hearted' you are Vicky !!!

By the way have you tried acidophilus? (spelling might be wrong) Biocare might be people to get it from.


Hi Beth,

This JUST can't go on...I've cut out a few bits and pieces, but trying to eat healthily to do something about the weight gain on these drugs, is making the problem, are you able to give me more information on the actual herb I should be looking to buy please? I'm on a very low income so would appreciate any information you can give me that might lead to a reasonably priced source.

Thank you for your time!
